Sal de Ibiza

Sal de Ibiza Fleur de Sel


Editors Notes:  Fleur de Sel (blossom of salt) by SAL DE IBIZA is the purest of all table salts. This all-in-one premium sea salt comes in a beautiful ceramic jar accompanied by a porcelain spoon; a perfect gift for anyone with refined taste. Fleur de sel is known as a "finishing salt," because it is not used to cook with, but rather added after a meal is prepared. Sprinkle on a salad, risotto, or grilled vegetables for a beautiful texture and flavor.  It is harvested soley by traditional methods originating from the ancient salt makers on the French Atlantic coast. This type of salt is 100% natural. It is not altered in any way, from the moment it is gathered by hand to the time it reaches the plate.

Left untouched by any kind of refining, it retains its more than 80 essential minerals and trace elements, such as magnesium, fluoride, selenium and iodine. Fleur de Sel is highly regarded as a marine salt of supreme quality. It is bright white, occasionally with a pink shimmer. Being “fresh” salt and hand-harvested, it is always slightly moist and remains best when kept in the same state. Its taste is very subtle yet aromatic.

Fleur de Sel is much milder than regular salt. When the crystals dissolve in your mouth, you will appreciate how salt should taste.

Product Details:

  • Size:  4.4 oz. | 150 Gr.
  • Hand harvested salt
  • Ceramic Jar + Spoon
  • Made in Ibiza Spain

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